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Atwill, R. L., Krutz, L. J., Bond, J. A., Golden, B. R., Spencer, G. D., Bryant, C. J., Mills, B. E., Gore, J. 2020. Alternate Wetting and Drying Reduces Aquifer Withdrawal and Improves Profitability Relative to Conventional Midsouthern USA Rice Irrigation Strategies. Agronomy Journal 112(6):5115-5124.
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Bryant, C. J., Krutz, L. J., Reynolds, D. B., Locke, M. A., Golden, B. R., Irby, J. T., Steinriede, Jr., R. W., Spencer, G. D., Mills, B. E., Wood, C. W. 2020. Conservation Soybean Production Systems in the Mid-Southern USA: I. Transitioning from Conventional to Conservation Tillage. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management 6(1):e20055.
Bryant, C. J., Krutz, L. J., Reynolds, D. B., Locke, M. A., Golden, B. R., Irby, J. T., Steinriede, Jr., R. W., Spencer, G. D., Mills, B. E., Wood, C. W. 2020. Conservation Soybean Production Systems in the Mid-Southern USA: II. Replacing Subsoiling with Cover Crops. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management 6(1):e20058.
Bryant, C. J., Krutz, L. J., Reynolds, D. B., Locke, M. A., Golden, B. R., Irby, J. T., Steinriede, Jr., R. W., Spencer, G. D., Mills, B. E., Wood, C. W. 2020. Conservation Soybean Production Systems in the Mid-Southern USA: III. Zone Tillage for Furrow-Irrigated Soybean. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management 6(1):e20057.
Bryant, C., Krutz, L. J., Reynolds, D. B., Locke, M., Golden, B. R., Irby, J. T., Steinriede, R., Spencer, G., Mills, B. E., Wood, C. 2020. Conservation production systems in the mid‐southern USA: III. Zone tillage for furrow‐irrigated soybean. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 6(1).
Bryant, C., Krutz, L. J., Reynolds, D. B., Locke, M., Golden, B. R., Irby, J. T., Steinriede, R., Spencer, G., Mills, B. E., Wood, C. 2020. Conservation soybean production systems in the mid‐southern USA: I. Transitioning from conventional to conservation tillage. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 6(1).
Bryant, C., Krutz, L. J., Reynolds, D. B., Locke, M., Golden, B. R., Irby, J. T., Steinriede, R., Spencer, G., Mills, B. E., Wood, C. 2020. Conservation soybean production systems in the mid‐southern USA: II. Replacing subsoiling with cover crops. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 6(1).
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Quintana Ashwell, N. E., Gholson, D., Krutz, L. J., Henry, C. G., Cooke, T. 2020. Adoption of Water-Conserving Irrigation Practices among Row-Crop Growers in Mississippi, USA. Agronomy 10(8):1083. Download
Rushing, J. B., Lemus, R. W., Maples, J., Lyles, J. C. 2020. Impact of poultry litter application to alfalfa production in Mississippi. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management Download
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Stephenson, R. C., Coker, C. E., Posadas, B. C., Bachman, G. R., Harkess, R. L., Adamczyk, J. J., Knight, P. R. 2020. Economic Effect of Insect Pest Management Strategies on Small-scale Tomato Production in Mississippi. HortTechnology 30(1):64-75. Download
Waters, P. J., Petrolia, D. R., Walton, W. C. 2020. Participant Motivations for Joining an Extension Program. Journal of Extension 58(6):A3. Download
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Bryant, C., Krutz, L. J., Nuti, ., Truman, ., Locke, B., Falconer, L. L., Atwill, R. L., Wood, ., Spencer, G. 2019. Furrow diking as a Mid-Southern USA irrigation strategy: Soybean grain yield, irrigation water use efficiency, and net returns above furrow diking costs. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management 5(1). Download
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Coker, C. E., Knight, P. R., Posadas, B. C., Ely, R. 2019. Postharvest Evaluation of Winter Rose® Series Poinsettia Stems under Consumer Conditions. Journal of Floriculture and Landscaping 5. Download
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Smith, R. M., Kaur, G., Orlowski, J., Edwards, C. B., Singh, G., Irby, J. T., Krutz, L. J., Falconer, L. L., Cook, D. R., Chastain, D. 2019. Evaluation of Planter Errors Associated with Twin-Row Soybean Production in Mississippi. . Agronomy Journal 11.
Smith, R. M., Kaur, G., Orlowski, J., Singh, G., Chastain, D., Irby, J. T., Krutz, L. J., Falconer, L. L., Cook, D. R. 2019. Narrow-Row Production System for Soybeans in Mississippi Delta. . Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management
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Spencer, G., Krutz, L. J., Falconer, L. L., Henry, W. B., Henry, W. B., Larson, E. J., Pringle, H., Bryant, C., Atwill, R. L. 2019. Irrigation water management technologies for furrow- irrigated corn that decrease water use and improve yield and on- farm profitability. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management 5(1). Download
Stephenson, R. C., Coker, C. E., Posadas, B. C., Bachman, G. R., Harkess, R. L., Adamczyk, J. J., Knight, P. R. 2019. Effect of high tunnels on populations of whiteflies, aphids, and thrips on tomatoes in Mississippi. Journal of Horticulture 6(3):259-267. Download
Posadas, B. C. 2019. Economic Impacts of Coastal Hazards on Mississippi Commercial Oyster Fishery from 2005 to 2016. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics 6(1):27.
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Theradiyil Sukumaran, A., Coatney, K. T., Ellington, J., Holtcamp, A. J., Schilling, M. W., Dinh, T. T. 2019. Consumer Acceptability and Demand for Cooked Beef Sausage Formulated With Pre-and Post-Rigor Deboned Beef . Meat and Muscle Biology 3(1):210-218.
Waters, P., Petrolia, D. R., Walton, W. 2019. Do Oyster Gardening Programs Lead to Knowledge Changes?. Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents 12(2). Download
Wood, C. W., Krutz, L. J., Falconer, L. L., Pringle, H., Henry, W. B., Irby, J. T., Orlowski, J., Gore, J., Bryant, C. J., Boykin, D. L., Atwill, R. L., Spencer, G. D. 2019. Soybean Planting Date and Maturity Group Selection as a Method to Optimize Net Returns above Total Specified Costs and Irrigation Water Use Efficiency. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management 5(1 180063):7. Download
Wood, C. W., Krutz, L. J., Falconer, L. L., Pringle, H., Henry, W. B., Irby, J. T., Orlowski, J., Gore, J., Bryant, C. J., Boykin, D. L., Spencer, G. D. 2019. Soybean Planting Date and Maturity Group Selection as a Method to Optimize Net Returns above Total Specified Costs and Irrigation Water Use Efficiency. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management
Wood, ., Krutz, L. J., Falconer, L. L., Pringle, H., Henry, W. B., Irby, J. T., Orlowski, J., Gore, J., Bryant, C., Boykin, ., Atwill, R. L., Spencer, G. 2019. Soybean planting date and maturity group selection as a method to optimize net returns above total specified costs and irrigation water use efficiency. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management 5(1). Download
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