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Dr. Xuche Gong

Dr. Xuche  Gong


  • Assistant Professor

Contact Information
Office: 662-325-0413
321 Lloyd-Ricks-Watson Building



Dr. Xuche Gong joined the Department of Agricultural Economics at Mississippi State University as an assistant professor after earning his Ph.D. at Iowa State University. Dr. Gong's research interests lie in the intersections between agricultural production economics, risk management, and environmental economics. His work delves into the fundamental elements shaping farmers’ decision-making with regard to risk management, production, and technology choices, and examines the effects of these choices on environmental implications and social welfare. Employing robust microeconomic theory and comprehensive empirical data analysis, his work is dedicated to enhancing farmer welfare and promoting positive environmental outcomes through insightful and effective policy evaluations.


  • Michigan State University, Master of Science, Ag, Food & Resource Econ

Research/Extension Interests

Risk Management
Agricultural Production and Policy
Behavioral Economics
Environmental Economics

Teaching Interests

Quantitative methods
Agricultural economics
Agricultural Production and Policy
Behavioral Economics



Year Publications

Gong, X., Hennessy, D. A., Feng, H. 2023. Systemic Risk, Relative Subsidy Rates, and Area Yield Insurance Choice. American Journal of Agricultural Economics


Extension Publications

Year Publications

Society Memberships

  • Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
  • American Economic Association
  • Applied Risk Analysis Section of the AAEA
  • NC1195 - Enhancing nitrogen utilization in corn based cropping systems to increase yield, improve profitability and minimize environmental impacts
  • SCC-76, Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources Conference