Dr. Sean Fox
- Professor and Head
Contact Information
Office: 662-325-6670
Lloyd-Ricks-Watson Bldg., Rm. 104
- Iowa State University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Agricultural Economics
- University College, Dublin, Ireland, Bachelor of Agricultural Science (B. Agr. Sc.), Agricultural Science
Research/Extension Interests
Consumer economics
Agricultural marketing
Experimental economics
Year | Publications |
2019 | Lee, J. Y., Nayga Jr., R. M., Fox, S. 2019. “Effect of Substitutes in Contingent Valuation for a Private Market Good. |
2018 | Lee, J. Y., Nayga Jr., R. M., Han, D. B., Fox, S. 2018. “Hypothetical Bias and Substitutes in Stated Preference Survey: The Case of Irradiated Meat.”. |
2017 | Thorne, F., Mullins, E., Wallace, M., Fox, S. 2017. "Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Genetically Modified Potatoes in Ireland: An Experimental Auction Approach". |
2016 | Bernard, J. C., Gifford, K., Peterson, H. H., Fox, S., Schott, L. K. 2016. "Prospects for U.S. Rice in Japanese Retail Markets under COOL: A Sensory Experiment." . |
2015 | Lee, J. Y., Fox, S. 2015. “Bidding behavior in experimental auctions with positive and negative values.”. |
2015 | Peterson, J. M., Smith, C. M., Leatherman, J. C., Hendricks, N. P., Fox, S. 2015. “Transaction Costs in Payment for Environmental Service Contracts.”. |
2013 | Peterson, H. H., Bernard, J. C., Peterson, J. M., Fox, S. 2013. “Japanese consumers' valuation of rice and pork from domestic, U.S., and other origins.”. |
2008 | Gelso, B. R., Peterson, J. M., Fox, S. 2008. "The Cost of Wetlands: Effects of Size, Hydration and Dispersion.”. |
2007 | Boland, M. A., Perez, L., Fox, S. 2007. “Grass-Fed Certification: The Case of the Uruguayan Beef Industry.” . |
2005 | Tonsor, G., Schroeder, T. C., Biere, A., Fox, S. 2005. “European Preferences for Beef Steak Attributes.” . |
2005 | Coffey, B., Mintert, J., Schroeder, T. C., Valentin, L., Fox, S. 2005. “The U.S. Response to BSE.” . |
2004 | Hartl, J., Fox, S. 2004. “Estimating the Demand for Risk Reduction from Foodborne Pathogens through Food Irradiation.”. |
2004 | Peterson, H. H., Fox, S. 2004. “Risks and implications of bovine spongiform encephalopathy for the United States: Insights from other countries.”. |
2004 | Roosen, J., Lusk, J. L., Fox, S. 2004. “Transatlantic Differences in Consumer Preferences.” . |
2003 | Vander Wal, L. S., Udomvarapant, P., Kropf, D. H., Boyle, E. A., Kastner, C. L., Fox, S. 2003. “Consumer Evaluation of Pre-Cooked Lamb.” . |
2003 | Fox, S., 2003. “New Developments in Experiments for Agricultural Economics: Discussion.”. |
2003 | Fox, S., 2003. “Existing U.S. barrier for BSE needs strengthening.”. |
2003 | Boland, M. A., Mulik, K., Fox, S. 2003. “Acceptability of Irradiation to Restaurant Managers.” . |
2003 | Lusk, J. L., Fox, S. 2003. “Value Elicitation in Retail and Laboratory Environments.” . |
2003 | Roosen, J., Lusk, J. L., Fox, S. 2003. “Consumer Demand For and Attitudes Toward Alternative Beef Labeling Strategies in France, Germany, and the UK.”. |
2003 | Lusk, J. L., Roosen, J., Fox, S. 2003. “Demand for Beef from Cattle Administered Growth Hormones or fed Genetically Modified Corn: A Comparison of Consumers in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.” . |
2002 | Fox, S., 2002. “Influences on Purchase of Irradiated Foods.”. |
2002 | Hayes, D. J., Shogren, J. F., Fox, S. 2002. “Experts and Advocates: How Information Affects the Demand for Food Irradiation.”. |
2002 | Fox, S., Shogren, J. F., Cherry, T. L., Hayes, D. J. 2002. “Auctions 101: What am I bid for .. Safer Food? (Lessons from a Decade in the Lab)”. |
2002 | Hayes, D. J., Shogren, J. F., Fox, S. 2002. “Consumer Preferences for Food Irradiation: How Favorable and Unfavorable Descriptions Affect Preferences for Irradiated Pork in Experimental Auctions.” . |
2002 | Lusk, J. L., Fox, S. 2002. “Consumer Demand for Mandatory Labeling of Beef from Cattle Administered Growth Hormones or Fed Genetically Modified Corn.”. |
2001 | Boland, M. A., Hoffman, D., Fox, S. 2001. “Post-implementation Costs of HACCP and SSOP's in Great Plains Meat Plants.". |
2001 | Lusk, J. L., Schroeder, T. C., Koohmaraie, M., Mintert, J., Fox, S. 2001. “In-Store Valuation of Beef Tenderness.”. |
2001 | Zhang, P., Fingerhut, K., Boland, M. A., Fox, S. 2001. “Consumer Preferences for Pathogen-Reducing Technologies in Beef.”. |
2001 | Lusk, J. L., Schroeder, T. C., Marsh, T. L., Fox, S. 2001. Wholesale Demand for USDA Quality Graded Boxed Beef and Effects of Seasonality.”. |
2001 | Schoroeter, C., Penner, K. P., Fox, S. 2001. “Consumer Perceptions of Three Food Safety Interventions Related to Meat Processing.”. |
1999 | Roosen, J., Hayes, D. J., Shogren, J. F., Fox, S. 1999. “Observed Choices for Food Safety in Retail, Survey and Auction Markets.”. |
1999 | Lusk, J. L., McIlvain, C. L., Fox, S. 1999. “Consumer Acceptance of Irradiated Meat.”. |
1999 | Hennessy, D. A., Fox, S. 1999. “Cost Effective Hazard Control in Food Handling.” . |
1998 | Roosen, J., Hennessy, D. A., Schreiber, A., Fox, S. 1998. “Measuring Consumers’ Valuation of Insecticide Use Restrictions: An Application to Apples.”. |
1998 | Hayes, D. J., Shogren, J. F., Kliebenstein, J. B., Fox, S. 1998. “CVM-X: Calibrating Contingent Values with Experimental Auction Markets.”. |
1998 | Brester, G. W., Moutou, C., Fox, S. 1998. “U.S. Consumers Socioeconomic Characteristics and the Consumption of Grain-Based Foods.” . |
1998 | Olson, D. G., Fox, S. 1998. “Market Trials of Irradiated Chicken.”. |
1996 | Melton, B. E., Huffman, W. E., Shogren, J. F., Fox, S. 1996. “Consumer Preferences for Fresh Food Items with Multiple Quality Attributes: Evidence from an Experimental Auction of Pork Chops.”. |
1996 | Fox, S., Hayes, D. J., Shogren, J. F., Kliebenstein, J. B. 1996. “Experimental Methods in Consumer Preference Studies.”. |
1996 | Hayes, D. J., Kliebenstein, J. B., Shogren, J. F., Fox, S. 1996. Array. |
1995 | Buhr, B. L., Shogren, J. F., Kliebenstein, J. B., Hayes, D. J., Fox, S. 1995. “A Comparison of Preferences for Pork Sandwiches produced from Animals with and without Somatotropin Administration.”. |
1995 | Fox, S., 1995. “Determinants of Consumer Acceptability of Bovine Somatotropin.”. |
1994 | Shogren, J. F., Hayes, D. J., Kliebenstein, J. B., Fox, S. 1994. “Bid Sensitivity and the Structure of the Vickrey Auction.”. |
1994 | Hayes, D. J., Shogren, J. F., Kliebenstein, J. B., Fox, S. 1994. “Consumer Acceptability of Milk from Cows Treated with Bovine Somatotropin.”. |
Extension Publications
Year | Publications |