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Master of Agribusiness Management

The Master of Agribusiness Management (MABM) program is an interdisciplinary degree between the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Business and is administered by the Department of Agricultural Economics. The program is designed to prepare students for careers in the exciting world of food and agribusiness management. Students take coursework that includes core MBA courses in accounting, finance, and marketing along with graduate courses in agricultural economics. The MABM is a highly marketable degree due to the combination of general business training along with courses that focus on unique challenges facing food and agribusiness firms.

Students begin the MABM program during the first summer term. In the two weeks prior to the start of the program students attend one week of MBAMath during which certain prerequisite deficiencies can be addressed and a mandatory one week orientation (known as Springboard Week). The degree requires a minimum of 30 hours of coursework, which includes a required internship. MABM students must also successfully complete a comprehensive oral examination. Research assistantships are not available for students in the MABM program.

Check out the new Distance Master of Agribusiness Management program. Earn your master's degree in agribusiness management from anywhere in the world. The program curriculum is based on a total of 31 credit hours.